Monday, January 28, 2008

Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Numeracy

If you only have one interactive website in your links this should be iT. Put together by this contains literally every topic for primary maths teaching. Activities ara at all levels between Kindergarten and Year 6. There are upwards of 200 individual activities

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Sunday, January 27, 2008 presents Grand Slam Math - a great online resource for use by individual students or by teacher using an interactive whiteboard. A series of problems using words are presented, the numbers are randomly generated so this resource can be used over and over again.

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Solids, liquids and Gases : Online Activity

An online experiment by the BBC. Students can heat and cool a liquid to discover what occurs. There is the opportunity to sort a variety of materials into categories as well as to complete an online quiz with immediate feedback available.

Click Here

Monday, January 21, 2008

Fractions Worksheets have created a comprehensive bank of fractions worksheets

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ancient Egyptian Culture and Beliefs

Ancient Egypt had by tradition a great variety of gods and what today can be labelled as "spirits" and "fairies". The total of them all was over 2.000, but many of them had similar characteristics and appeared all over the country by different names. With a main page that provides a complete guide to the culture and customs of Ancient Egypt this excellent guide to 115 of the better known gods is provided by

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

A great interactive resource by for teavhers and students. Ideal for individual use or as a class activity using an interactive whiteboard. The activity consists of 14 different interactive wordsearches. Each wordsearch deals with a different spelling pattern. The student is asked to find words in the grid which contain the target pattern. Click on the first and last letter of the word to chose it in the grid. Teachers have the option of hiding the list of target words. The bonus is that this activity can be printed out and used as a worksheet.

Click Here

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fractions of Shapes Worksheets

An excellent suite resources by The four introductory worksheets in the suite enable students to consider fractions as parts of a whole in terms of shapes and distances along a line. This is a valuable precursor to dealing with fractions of numbers.

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Nets of 3D Shapes

This excellent resource from prints out worksheet with nets of 3D shapes for students to cut out and assemble. Tabs for gluing are shaded. Shapes incluse cube, cuboid, square pyramid, cone, tetrahedron, cylinder, octahedron, rhomboid, dodecahedron, pentagonal prism and pentagonal pyramid. Hours of endless fun...!

Click Here