Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Human Body - Drugs

Text and images with basic facts about four main categories of legal and illegal drugs in the UK: tobacco, alcohol, class A drugs and solvents

Human Body - Drugs

Monday, October 02, 2006

Negative Number - Worksheets

This Excel spreadsheet will generate an unlimited number of worksheets.

Students are given thermometer readings within the range +30°C to -20°C and asked to calculate by how many degrees the temperature has risen or fallen.

Negative Numbers - Worksheets

Download the file and open it. Simply click in cell C1, type in a new sheet number and press return. Everything on the page changes and you have a new worksheet . Print as normal.

Decimal Addition - Worksheet Generator

This is an Excel spreadsheet that creates an unlimited number of worksheets for students to practice adding decimals with up to three decimal places. The sums are presented horizontally so that the student has to set them out and make dure that the columns and decimal points are lined up correctly.

Decimal Addition - Worksheet Generator

Downlad the file and open it. To create a new worksheet click in cell B1, change the number of the worksheet and press return or enter on your keyboard.