Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Shape and Space - Angles - Online Activity

An excellent explanation of the different types of angles and the relationships that angles have to triangles and quadrilaterals and has links to a fact sheet and a quiz

Shape and Space - Angles - Online Activity

Friday, August 18, 2006

ICT 4C Branching Databases

Explains how to use a small group of studentst to explain how to create and use a branching database.

ICT 4C Branching Databases

Chose four students from the class as guinea pigs.

Ask the class to look at each individual and identify a unique aspect of his/her physical appearance or clothing, eg:

John is the only person with red hair
Sharon is the only person wearing a skirt
Paul is the only person wearing glasses
Thelma is the only person wearing a hair band

Explain to the students that this information can be used to solve problems involving these students......

ICT 3C Introduction to Databases

A comprehensive guide for class teachers showing how to utilise Microsoft Excel as a simple yet effective database which allows students to see how records are manipulated by the application.

ICT 3C Introduction to Databases

Stage 1

First look at the BBC web page Characteristics of Materials on your interactive whiteboard. What you have is a vitrual laboratory in which you can test six different materials metal, paper, fabric, rubber, glass, and plastic to see if they are waterproof, transparent, flexible and strong.

Demonstrate how to drag each material into the testing clamps then click each of the test buttons in turn. Observe what happens and explain how to decide if the material has the property of being waterproof, flexible, etc.

Demonstrate how to use the data capture sheet to record the findings using Y for yes and N for no.

Allow the students to log into their computers and complete the exercise testing each material for each property and recording the results.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Place Value - Online Assessment

An online quiz to test students' understanding of place value

Place Value - Online Assessment

Multiplying numbers by 10, 100, 1000

Explanation and examples of how to manipulate place value to achieve the desired outcome

Multiplying numbers by 10, 100, 1000

Multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 or 1000 is very easy, it is simply a matter of moving the digits to the left or right, for example......

Numeracy - Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000

Explanation and examples of how to round numbers up and down

Numeracy - Rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000

Sometimes it is useful to round numbers up or down to the nearest 10, 100 or even 100 to make a calculation easier when absolute accuracy is not required or to make sure that a mistake has not been made when working out a carefully worked out answer.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Addition - Online Worksheet Creator

Using this resource you will be able to create an unlimited number of random worksheets.

Addition - Online Worksheet Creator

You are able to manipulate a number of parameters:

- how many numbers in the sum, the range of the numbers you wish to use,
- the number of decimal places, the number of sums in a row
- the number of rows.

All in all a very flexible resource for busy teachers, ideal for homework activities...

Basic Operations Online Worksheet Creator

Using this resource at homeschoolmath.net you will be able to create an unlimited number of random worksheets to practice basic operations of integers and whole numbers, including operations in columns, long division, and division with remainder, missing addend/factor problems. you can control the number ranges easily.

Basic Operations Online Worksheet Creator

Monday, August 14, 2006

Shape and Space - Triangles

Explanation and examples of different kinds of triangles.

Shape and Space - Triangles

A 2D shape that has three straight sides is called a triangle, but triangles can be different sizes and shapes and some of these have special names:

Remember : the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180°

A triangle which contains a right angle is called a right angled triangle...

Shape and Space - Quadrilaterals

Explanation and examples of different kinds of quadrilaterals, their names and properties.

Shape and space Quadrilaterals

Any 2D shape that has four straight sides is called a quadrilateral. Below we have listed the special quadrilaterals that have their own name.

Remember : the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral is 360°

All the sides of a square are equal length and all the angles are right angles....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Decimals - Online worksheet creator

Using this resource at homeschoolmath.net you will be able to create an unlimited number of random worksheets to practice operations of idecimals, including operations in columns, long division, and division with remainder, missing addend/factor problems. you can control the number ranges easily...

Decimals - Online worksheet creator

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Shape and Space - Measuring Angles

You will be able to demonstrate the use of a protractor,make and measure angles up to 180° and estimate the size of angle.

Shape and Space - Measuring Angles

Plants - Online Assessment

A quiz to test students knowledge of the parts and function of plants.

Plants - Online Assessment


Explanation and examples of the different pronouns and their use in English


Pronouns are words that we can put into sentences instead of nouns.

There are two kinds of pronouns:
  • Personal pronouns: I, you, he, she, it, we, they
  • Possessive pronouns : mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.
They are often used to avoind having to repeat a noun that has previously been used:

Michael is a good boy. Every Saturday Michael gets out a bucket and a sponge and cleans the family cars. Michael's mum and dad are always very pleased when Michael cleans the cars. Michaels mum and dad give Michael £5 for each car that he washes. Michael saves his money all year round and uses it to go on holiday with his friend James. Michael and James like to go to the seaside. Michael and James go to Scarborough for a week every summer...

Numeracy - Place Value

Explanation and examples of the working of place value and how it affects the value of any given digit.

Numeracy - Place Value

We have ten digits in our numbering system

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

These digits are like our alphabet and just as the letters of the alppabet can be combined to make different words so the digits can be combined to create an infinite variety of numbers

2 is a single digit number

465 is a three digit number

How much each digit is worth depends upon its place in the number...

Shape and Space - Lines and Angles

Explanation and examples of the different kinds of angles created when two straight lines meet

Shape and Space - Lines and Angles

When lines meet at a point or cross each other they create angles...

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Explanation and examples of the use of verbs in English


A verb is the action word in any sentence.

All sentences have a verb in them, a verb tells us what what a person or thing is doing or how they are

  • moving : run, trot, amble, gallop, skip
  • speak : shout, scream, whisper, yell,
  • feel : like, hate, love

Every day we take part in thousands of different actions we do, feel or talk about every day and each one of them has a verb so that we can communicate what is happening.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Explanation and example of the different kinds of nouns in the English Language


There are several categories of nouns:

Common Nouns

The words that give names to the things all around us are common nouns.
  • The dog growled fiercely.
  • The television blew up.
  • The boys played our.
Of course sentences can have more than a single noun.
  • The dog ate all the biscuits that were in his bowl.
  • My sister spilt cola on her new dress.
  • Every day the milkman brings milk to our house...


Explanation and examples of different kinds of sentences


A sentence is a group of words that makes sense.

Every time that we speak or write we use sentences.

Sentences can be:

statements - giving someone information
  • The dog walked down the street
questions - asking someone something
  • Which street did the dog walk down?
commands - telling someone to do something
  • Walk the dog down the street......